The Last of Us: Part II julkaistaan 21. helmikuuta 2020, ja Gamereactorin ennakon pääsee lukemaan täällä.
Johtava pelisuunnittelija Richard Cambier puhui väkivallan syklistä (”cycle of violence”). Kyse on siitä, ettei armoa anneta eikä pyydetä.
”We go as far as we needed to kind of tell this story, and you can see this in all of the things that you’re seeing in this demo that you just played, this experience of yes you get these tender and beautiful moments, you get this time to see a bit of Jackson, see Ellie in her daily life, see her in some of these moments, but you’re also facing these vicious dogs, right, like how do you survive that when one of those attacks you and the fangs are right there and the teeth are there, and you’ve gotta decide – are you gonna strike back? How are you gonna get through this space?”
”So we’re showing that you have this choice, but when it’s time to be brutal, you’re gonna have to be brutal to survive.”




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