Venom: Let There Be Carnage saapuu Suomessa katsottavaksi 15. lokakuuta. Atlantin toisella puolella raina sai ikärajaksi ”PG-13”, joka vastaa suurin piirtein meikäläistä K16-merkintää. Ohjaaja Andy Serkis on kuitenkin tähdentänyt, että brutaaliutta riittää, ja että raina koettelee ikärajansa rajoja. Asiasta raportoi IGN.
Lokakuussa sitten nähdään, miten villiä meno on.
”You could go down an R-rated adult version of this. Of course you could. You could have done that with the last film. But we wanted to reach a big audience with this and … there are several rules you have to abide by. However, having said that, I think we have pushed to the very limits [with] the danger and darkness and the threat and the menace of Carnage.
”Just because you don’t see so much gore — perhaps there’s not so much blood or … seeing heads being bitten off — you can still suggest that. The suggestion, leaving it to the audience’s imagination, can be just as powerful. I think that’s just what we managed to do. It’s certainly not shying away from the darkness. And the real heart of Carnage as a character isn’t compromised at all.”
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