Julkaisija Gameforge ja kehittäjä Blueside julkaisevat Kingdom Under Fire II:n PC:lle marraskuussa. Tämä paljastui upouudessa trailerissa. Peli on oleva ”buy to play” eikä suinkaan ”free to play”.
”Gameforge will publish Kingdom Under Fire 2 as a buy-to-play (B2P) title. Though KUF2 was released as F2P title in other regions, Gameforge will publish KUF2 as a ”buy to play” title, as we see this as the best approach to ensure the best possible game experience fitting the content of the game. We are still evaluating in-game purchase options at this time but will have more information on this soon.”
Kiitokset, Wccftech
Lue koko artikkeli: https://www.gamereactor.fi/uutiset/673813/Kingdom+Under+Fire+2+julkaistaan+marraskuussa/?rs=rss