Aiemmin tällä viikolla Gamereactor uutisoi youtubettaja Austin Evansin tekemästä karkeasta kokeesta, jossa vertailtiin Playstation 5:n julkaisumallia hiljaisesti markkinoille lanseerattuun uuteen malliin. Uusitussa versiossa on selvästi pienempi jäähdytyslevy, ja nyt ounastellaan sitä, johtaako tämä helpommin kuumenevaan konsoliin.
Testeistään erittäin tunnettu Digital Foundry on tehnyt omia kokeitaan, eivätkä he usko pienemmän jäähdytyslevyn vaikuttavan käyttäjäkokemukseen. Jutussa sanottavansa sanoi Digital Foundryn Richard Leadbetter.
”The crux of the controversy surrounding Evans’ video stems from his view that the new PS5 is worse than the old one – it’s his contention that a smaller cooler made from less efficient materials produces a hotter machine. It’s not an outlandish theory by any means when you look at the mass and material reductions but the question of whether it’s hotter or not cannot be determined by measuring the heat output of the exhaust alone and even if it does run a few degrees hotter, it may well still be within manufacturer’s tolerances.”
Uuden mallin jäähdytys ei käytännössä eroa julkaisumallin vastaavasta.
”This is pretty much the same max power draw as my launch PS5, strongly suggesting that the main processor has not been changed, but crucially, the acoustics of the new console have not adjusted at all to any noticeable degree in the hours that the scene has been running the processor flat out. Whether the machine is hotter or not is still to be tested, but logic suggests that if the new cooling assembly was not up to the task, the fan would be increasing in speed and volume to expel the build-up of heat. This does not seem to be happening – and hours on, the power draw is still consistent too. Right now, the new machine seems to be much the same as the old one in terms of the experience of actually using it and Sony certainly has the confidence to back the new design”
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