Call of Duty: Warzone on Call of Dutyn oma Battle Royale, ja peli on nyt ulkona free-to-play-mallia noudattaen. Nyt sitten Infinity Wardin pomohahmoihin kuuluva Patrick Kelly on paljastanut, mitä on tuloillaan lähitulevaisuudessa.
USA Todayn mukaan 200 pelaajan pelimuoto on tulossa, mutta vähän myöhemmin. Samoin erilaisia peliporukoiden kokoja mietitään.
”Actually, I can tell you we are already playing with 200 players. We are going to release that a little bit later.”
”I can tell you we have four- and five-player squads we are already playing with. But we want to launch with something we know works really well and we have tested to the nines and then play around with these different team sizes.”
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