THQ Nordic on viime aikoina kunnostautunut pelisarjojen oikeuksien hankkijana, kuten esimerkiksi Kingdoms of Amalur, Alone in the Dark ja Act of War.
Antamassaan haastattelussa IGN:lle firman ”business and product development director” Reinhard Pollice selitti, että motiivina on ennen kaikkea liiketoiminta eivätkä niinkään nostalgiset muistot.
”It’s the games we loved in the past. We think they should still have a place, and we feel like it’s sometimes such a pity that there is no game like that out there, so whenever there’s an opportunity to get the original, we just grab it instead of creating something new.
”Whenever we acquire stuff, we really see it first from a game perspective. Is this something relevant? Is this something cool? Was it unique when it came out? Does it have a fan base? These sorts of questions are very important to us.”
Pollice paljasti senkin, että vielä ei ole sarjojen oikeuksien hankinta päätöksessään.
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