Toimittaja Jason Schreier julkaisi Kotakussa raportin Anthem-pelin kehityksen monista vaiheista. Gamereactor uutisoi asiasta täällä. Raportti on ehtinyt kerätä jo nyt runsaasti huomiota pelaavassa maailmassa. Ehkä sen vuoksi Bioware on päättänyt kommentoida asiaa blogissa.
Vastausta omilla tahoillaan kommentoineiden mukaan juuri tällainen puolusteleva asenne on eräs Biowaren suurimmista ongelmista.
”We chose not to comment or participate in this story because we felt there was an unfair focus on specific team members and leaders, who did their absolute best to bring this totally new idea to fans. We didn’t want to be part of something that was attempting to bring them down as individuals. We respect them all, and we built this game as a team.”
”The health and well-being of our team members is something we take very seriously. We do everything we can to try and make it healthy and stress-free, but we also know there is always room to improve.”
”The creative process is often difficult. The struggles and challenges of making video games are very real. But the reward of putting something we created into the hands of our players is amazing. People in this industry put so much passion and energy into making something fun. We don’t see the value in tearing down one another, or one another’s work. We don’t believe articles that do that are making our industry and craft better.”
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