Warren Spector oli viime viikolla paikan päällä Nordic Game -tapahtumassa. Gamereactor pääsi haastattelemaan häntä muun muassa System Shock 3:sta ja työskentelystä Disneyllä. Sekin selvisi, mitä hän ajattelee Disneyn tulevaisuudesta pelialalla.
”I think Disney actually did pretty well when I was there, not because I was there, but we were doing pretty well. The guys at Avalanche with Disney Infinity, and my studio Junction Point with the Epic Mickey games, and several others.
”I think as developers we were doing a pretty good job. I think Bob Iger the CEO is talking more about the publishing side of things, where Disney was never able to make the kind of splash that it wanted to.
”The whole Disney Interactive experience was great for me, but it was very frustrating because with all the properties – I mean Star Wars, Pixar, Mickey Mouse and friends, [and Marvel] – we should have owned video games, and we didn’t, and I think it’s a shame that they’re not making games internally any more.”
Spector paljasti, että olosuhteiden niin salliessa hän voisi työskennellä uudestaankin Disneyllä.
Katso koko haastattelu alta täällä Gamereactorissa.


Lue koko artikkeli: https://www.gamereactor.fi/uutiset/649143/Tilanteen+salliessa+Warren+Spector+voisi+palata+Disneylle+toihin/?rs=rss