Microsoftin kuukausimaksullinen pelipalvelu Xbox Game Pass on kasvanut, ja menestys on ollut suurta. Nykyisin tilanne on se, että Microsoft näkee Xbox Game Passin tärkeämpänä kuin myytyjen konsolien lukumäärän.
BBC:lle puhunut Xbox-pomo Phil Spencer kertoi, ettei häntä haittaa, jos talouteen ei (heti) osteta uutta Xbox-konsolia.
”But our strategy is centred around the player, not the device. If this is not the year when a family wants to make a decision to buy a new Xbox, that’s OK. Our strategy does not revolve around how many Xboxes I sell this year.”
Spencer kertoi ajatuksensa syyksi Xbox Game Passin, ja myös pilvipalvelimiin luottavan Project xCloudin.
”We’re focused on delivering services through Xbox Game Pass, which allows people to build their library for a monthly fee. Backward compatibility means that the console that they have will play thousands and thousands of games. Smart delivery means when they move to the next generation, the games will move with them.”
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