Lukuisa joukko Nintendo Switchin, Playstation 4:n ja jopa Game Boy Colorin pelejä saa lähitulevaisuudessa fyysisen julkaisun. Moisen työn hoitaa Limited Run Games. Näin kerrottiin taannoisessa LRG3-suoratoistolähetyksessä. Mukana ovat muun muassa Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2, More River City Girls, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time, Gris, My Friend Pedro ja Star Wars Episode I: Racer.
Valtaosa näistä fyysisistä julkaisuista on Nintendo Switchille ja Playstation 4:lle. PC:llekin on silti muutama, ja yksi jopa PS Vitalle. Yllättävintä on silti kaksi Game Boy Colorin peliä. Katso lista kuvan alta englanniksi.
- A Boy and His Blob (PS4) — September 2020
- Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 (Switch, PS4) — TBD
- Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling (Switch, PS4) — TBD
- Carrion (Switch) — TBD*
- Castlevania Anniversary Collection (Switch, PS4) — Q3 2020
- Demon Turf (Switch) — TBD
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves (PS4) — July 2020
- Grandia HD Collection (Switch) — August 7, 2020
- GRIS (Switch) — TBD*
- Katana Zero (Switch) — November 2020
- Kunai (Switch) — July 8, 2020*
- MegaDimension Neptunia VII (Switch) — July 28, 2020*
- Mighty Gunvolt Burst (Switch, PS4) — August 28, 2020
- My Friend Pedro (PS4) — TBD*
- Observer (Switch) — TBD*
- Papers, Please (Vita) — July 24, 2020
- PixelJunk Eden 2 (Switch) — TBD
- Return of the Obra Dinn (Switch, PS4) — July 24, 2020
- More River City Girls — Details TBD
- Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time (Switch, PS4) — TBD
- Shantae (Switch, GameBoy Color) — September 2020
- Shantae: Risky’s Revenge (Switch) — September 2020
- Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash! (PSVR) — July 31, 2020
- Star Wars Episode I: Racer (Switch, PS4, PC) — July 10, 2020
- Super Meat Boy Forever (Switch, PS4) — TBD
- The friends of Ringo Ishikawa (Switch) — July 21, 2020*
- The Mummy Demastered (Switch, PS4) — July 31, 2020
- The Secret of Monkey Island 30th Anniversary Anthology (PC) — October 2020
- To The Moon (Switch) — Q4 2020
- TowerFall Ascension (Switch) — Q3 2020
- Trover Saves the Universe (Switch) — Q4 2020
- Where the Water Tastes Like Wine (Switch) — TBD*
- Xtreme Sports (Switch, GameBoy Color) — October 2020
- Ys Origin (Switch) — July 8, 2020*
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