Viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana on nähty useitakin tutkimuksia, joiden mukaan PC-pelaajat alkaisivat tulevaisuudessa suosia ”keveämpiä” vaihtoehtoja pelaamisessaan. Näin ei kuitenkaan ole tapahtunut. Nyt kuitenkin Jon Peddie Researchin tutkimuksen mukaan (josta raportoi WCCFTech) peräti 20 miljoonaa PC-pelaajaa siirtyisi vuoteen 2022 mennessä ”TV-pelaamisen alustoille” (TV Gaming Platforms). Tämä koskisi ennen kaikkea niitä pelaajia, joiden PC on hieman tehottomampaa luokkaa.
PC-markkinat ovat siis muutoksessa. Tai ainakin sellaista tutkimus povaa.
”The PC market continues to decline because the innovation that took place in the past providing speed ups and clever new things has all but stopped, plus the product introduction times are stretching out to four years. This is not a panic situation and the GPU market still generates incredible volume. However, there are forces at work that we predict will drive some of this business toward TV displays and associated gaming services.”
”We are observing a higher percentage of Low/Mid-Range PC products sold because of the consumer’s intent to use with games. This, unfortunately, does not generate more volume but does guide research and design as well as marketing investments for hardware providers and foreshadows the ultimate use model of the PC, a desktop ergonomic gaming/computing environment that embraces user choice and customization. Gaming services used with TV displays, whether local or cloud-based, will absorb PC defectors and likely flourish with new entrants. In the next five years, we will see potential customers with access to TV gaming swell by hundreds of millions.”
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